Prepare a detailed report for your area of interest so that you can work out what a property might be worth.
This prevents you overpaying which can save you hundreds and thousands of dollars.
1x report per area (i.e. Grey Lynn).
3x properties valuation data.
Fixed fee of $200.
A good place to start when preparing to make an offer or go to auction is by comparing the recent sales of similar properties in the area. We provide an extensive report with data not readily available online.
It's easy to waste time and money looking at properties that are out of range because the online data is not accurate. *Our data is more accurate than the readily available Agents are publishing properties in your filtered range in the hope that you will spend more.
Save time and money by using more accurate data to consider properties that are within your budget.
The average first home buyer spends more than 1 month going to open homes and paying for due diligence on properties that are beyond their budget. Save time and money by arming yourself with the data required to narrow your search.
The average first home buyer spends close to $3,500 on due diligence. Due diligence is important but you want to spend it on properties you can actually afford to purchase. The right data can save you thousands.
This data is not readily available and as a result we see some people overpaying and making offers $100,000 more than the property is worth. Prevent overpaying and make a confident offer based on data.
Check out these frequently asked questions.
Order can be a good place to start but they don't have access to the same data we do. They use council purchased data and add open data (readily available to the public) to provide very broad ranges. We've seen houses go for hundreds of thousands more than the range shown on
No. Unfortunately the CV is used for rates purposes only. Once upon a time this was more cloesly tied to value but in this day and age properties sell for hundreds and thousands of dollars above or below CV.
It's in the agents best interest to get the highest price for the seller. It's a good idea to ask them for a range so you understand what they are hoping for but it is not a good idea to base your offer on this. Agents are paid a percentage of the sale price so the higher the price the more they get paid.